Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Tugas Ke 3

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Submitted To Complete The Requirements To Reach An Equivalent Bachelor’s Degree In Majoring Of Management, Faculty Of Economic In Gunadarma University

Members of Group:
1.      Ade Yulisa                                    10212141
2.      Effendy Napitupulu                    18212201
3.      Fina Daniati                                12212956
4.      Iyus Ratu Bay Pasga                  13212882
5.      Kitri Fathul Hakim                   14212111
6.      Muhammad Fadli                      14212922
7.      Nurhidayat Ramadhani            15412494
8.      Suryadi Ginting                        17212211




1.1       Background Problem
     The promotion has already been required by the company because of the intense competition in the market. The community will be free to choose the product by simply comparing a product with other similar products from various brands. Society in General can already compare classmates products but with different brands by searching for information or reference in advance. Then decide on the purchase of certain price levels according to their compliance with product quality. Especially for new products with premium quality but not yet known by the community will require a more aggressive promotion and follow other competitor product prices. But at its core the goal of the company doing promotional activities is to remain able to compete and earn customer loyalty, increase sales and get new customers.
     The object examined in this study are local companies engaged in the production of paint. Problems – problems in the face is the large number of competitors – local competitors or foreign companies engaged in the same industry and with product prices are relatively lower in a class of the same product. Indeed the company which becomes the object of the research is one of the Market Leader already experienced and certified by standardization of the product that is already recognized by the institutions of the standardization of the world that one of them is the Singapore Green Label. But with the large number of competitors the market so companies will still ship to still be able to compete in the market.
     Any company that will conduct the sale of its results to society will surely through the stages of the promotion. A wide variety of forms of promotion will be taken by the company to deliver its products to the community. For example, by exerting a number of team to hold the event directly in the field of community activities or places with another unique way is very varied and creative. Of course all forms of promotion done cost that must be taken into account by the company to estimate the cost of goods sold of its products. It really needs to be analyzed to find out how big the influence of promotional costs incurred against proceeds received by the company.
Therefore, I as a writer interested in conducting research entitled "analysis of the influence of Sales Promotion Costs against the Wall Paint Propan on Propan Bekasi Service Centre".

1.2       Outline of the Problem and Limitations
1.2.1    Formulation Problems
     This research explores the influence of promotional cost against sales, then as a formulation of the problem is how to influence the cost of promotions against a wall paint sales Propan?
1.2.2    Limit Problem
     The authors examine the secondary data obtained from the company's retail sales data product in 2014.
1.3       Research Objectives
     The main objective of this research is to know how to influence the cost of promotions against a wall paint sales Propan.
1.4       Benefits Research
a. Academic Benefits
     Research student can apply analytical tools in the learn to analyze the effect of the cost of the promotion against product sales.
b. practical uses
     Research student can know the field activity conducted by the company in the competition in the market.

1.5       Research Methods
1.5.1    Research Object
     The object of research in the writing of it is PT Propan Raya that located on JL. Gatot Subroto KM 9 Kadu Jaya Tangerang. Research is devoted on the retail branches of Bekasi who was given the name Propan Service Centre.
1.5.2    Data/Variables
     The data used in this research is secondary data and libraries. Secondary data is data in the form of sales data from the marketing company. While the data are obtained from the library of books relating to writing.
     Variables – variables used in this study is the cost of promotion sales (X) and (Y). The cost of the promotion in writing are grouped into two of discounts (X 1) and a face-to-face (X 2). The cost of this promotion be variables not bound (independent) and sales as a variable is bound (the dependent).

1.5.3    Method of Data collection
The type of the data obtained from this research is
1.Field Studies
a. Observation
I.e. do direct observation regarding the promotional activities that are performed to obtain data.
b. Interview
Namely the interview directly with the leadership of the Department of marketing and promotion power of the company.
2. The library
The authors collected data theory and analytical tools used in this research by studying books – books that deal with the problems encountered.

1.5.4    Hypothesis
     This study will test the hypothesis directly between the cost of promotions and sales. There are two statements or allegations while before doing the test whose hypotheses are:
Ho accepted: the cost of the promotion does not influence on product sales.
HA accepted: the cost of the promotion effect on product sales.
The hypothesis will be proven by the test of t and F test on chapter discussion in writing.

1.5.5    Analysis Tools Used
A. Test Validity
     Validity is a measure that shows the valid or whether an instrument. An indicator is said to be valid is with the following conditions:
1. The results of the compute r table > r = invalid
2. The results of the compute r table r < = not valid

B. Multiple Linear Regression.
     Multiple Linear regression is a tool for predicting the value of the influence of two or more free variables against variables bound. This method is used to prove or no functional relationship and causal relationships among variables non X 1, x 2 ... Xn against variable Y.
General linear regression equations are multiplied as follows:
Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2
Where, Y: variable (dependent)
a: constants
B1, b2: multiple coefficient
X 1, x 2: free variable

C. Test T (Partial)
     This test is done to find out the influence of the variables the dependent variables independent of partially. This means that the value of the influence of each variable are independent of varibel dependennya. In the writing of this will look for the value of the influence of variables (x 1) discount against sales (Y) and the variable cost of face-to-face (X 2) for sale (Y).
D. F Test.
     This test is done to find out the value of the second independent variable influences the discount and the cost of face-to-face (X 1 and X 2) together – the dependent variables against the same sales (Y). This test also proves the hypothesis that will be summed up.

E. Correlation Coefficient
     The value of the correlation coefficient is used to measure the strength (keeratan) a relationship between the variables. The correlation coefficient is usually symbolized by r.
     The correlation coefficient has a value between-1 and + 1. The nature of the correlation coefficient value is a plus (+) or minus (-) that indicates the direction of the correlation. The meaning of the nature of the correlation:
1. positive Sign (+) on the correlation coefficients showed a direct relationship (positive correlation). This means that if a variable value increase the value of the other variable also increase and so does the opposite.
2. a negative Sign (-) on the correlation coefficient shows the relationship in the opposite direction (negative correlation). This means that if a variable value increase the value of the other variable also decreased and so does the opposite.
To further facilitate the know how in fact the degree keeratan between these variables, can be viewed on the following formula:
-1.00 ≤ r ≤-0.80 means a strong correlation
-0.79 ≤ r ≤-0.50 mean correlations is being
-0.49 ≤ r ≤ 0.49 means the correlation is weak
0.50 ≤ r ≤ 0.79 mean correlations is being
0.80 ≤ r ≤ 1.00 means a strong correlation

F. Determination Of Coefficient
     The coefficient of determination symbolized by r2 aims to find out how large the ability to affect the dependent variable independent variable. The value is said to be good if it is above 0.5 (50%) due to a value ranging between 0 and 1. In General a linear multiple regression model can be said to deserve to be used for research, since most of the dependent variable is affected by the independent variable used in the model.


2.1.1.   Marketing
     Marketing is an activity that is essential for the company to keep it can do its business activities. Marketing in General is defined as an activity of marketers to run a business in order to meet the needs of the market with goods or services, set prices, distribute, and promote it through the Exchange process in order to satisfy consumers and achieving the objectives of the company. According to the quoted by Freddy Kothler Rangkuti (2009; 19) marketing is a process planning and running concept, pricing, promotion and distribution of a number of goods and services, to create an Exchange that is able to satisfy the objectives of individuals and organizations. Meanwhile, according to Philip Kothler cited by Suyanto (2004; 1), marketing is a social and managerial process conducted by a person or group to obtain what they need and want through the creation and exchange of products and the value. Definitions expressed by the experts, it can be concluded that marketing is a process of creating the concept, price, promote and distribute goods and services to individual consumers to satisfy the needs of customers and realize the objectives of the company.
2.1.2.   Management Marketing
     Marketing activities conducted by the company would of course require the setting, monitoring and control in order not to deviate from the concept that has been designed. This system is called marketing management. According to the Kothler and Armstrong cited by Buchari Alma (2009; 137) marketing management is the activity analyze, plan, implement and supervise all activities (programs), in order to obtain a favourable exchange rate with the target buyers in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Based on the defenisi marketing management can be defined as a process involving analysis, planning, implementation, and control of goods and services and ideas that depend on the Exchange and with the aim of satisfying the parties – parties involved.
2.1.3    Marketing Mix Of Company
     The goals through marketing is to get the maximum profit. To achieve those goals companies must be able to analyze the requests that would affect sales. Demand factor generally consists of factors that can be controlled and factors that cannot be controlled. Factors that cannot be controlled i.e. factors that cannot be controlled by the Government, whereas the factors that can be controlled is called marketing mix (the marketing mix). According to Lamb, Hair and Mc Daniel cited by Freddy Rangkuti (2009; 21) explained that the marketing mix are product, promotion and strategy pricing that is unique and designed to produce mutually beneficial exchange with the intended market. According to Freddy Rangkuti (2009; 21) marketing mix is the set of marketing tools the company used to achieve the goal of the game in the target.
     Based on the defenisi it can be concluded that the product, price, distribution, and promotion are interlinked and influence each other. To better understand the marketing mix, the following described each of the components of the marketing mix.
     Decision – decision on the determination of this product include the determination of the physical supply, brand, packaging, warranty and service (service) after the sale. Product development can be done by analyzing the needs and wants of its market. If this problem has been resolved then decisions – decisions about pricing, distribution and promotion can be taken.
     Price is the exchange value of the top benefits of a product that is commonly expressed in units of currency. The price competition of the product to meet the two parties i.e. the producers and consumers. Manufacturers looked at price as the value of the goods which is able to give the benefits of profit above the cost of production while consumers regard the price as the value of goods that were able to benefit upon fulfillment of your needs and desires.

     The distribution is the marketing activities that attempt to streamline and simplify the delivery of products and services from the producer to the consumer so that their use as required. Producers and consumers have the social gap, timing, values, diversity, and ownership of the product because of the difference in goals and perceptions of each. Asymmetry of  are able to handle.
     Promotion is one of the efforts to introduce your goods or services to the community. Without the promotion of company's business activities will not be developed. The company can do with its promotional campaign using components of the promotion mix consists of: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity.

2.1.4.   Promotion
Promotion aims to introduce goods and services to the community. According to Buchari Alma (2009; 179) the promotion is a type of communication that give a convincing explanation of prospective consumers of goods and services.According to Swastha cited by Freddy Rangkuti (2009; 50) promotional information flow is one-way persuasion or made to direct the person or organization to the action that creates the Exchange in marketing.
Based on the defenisi-defenisi promotions may be inferred that the promotion is attracting the attention of consumers of goods and services through the information given to consumers so that they can make a purchase. Promotional purposes
According to Freddy Rangkuti (2009; 28), there are three promotional purposes, namely providing information, change attitudes and beliefs or feelings (coax), and stimulating so that customers make a purchase (remind). The purpose of the promotion can be outlined as follows:

1.  Inform (informing):
a.  Menginformsikan of the existence of a product market
b.  Introduces how to use products
c.  Convey price changes to market
d.  Explain the workings of a product
e.  Inform services – services provided by the company
f.  Melurukan false impression
g.  Reduce fears or worries buyers
h.  building a company's image
2.  Persuade target customers (persuasing):
a.  Shaping
b.  Brand selection choices to brand tertrntu
c.  Changing customer perception towards product attributes
d.  Encourage shoppers to spend that time also
e.  Encourage shoppers to visit a salesman (salesman)
3.  Remind (reminding):
a.  Remind the buyer that the products concerned will be required in the near future.
b.  Reminding the buyer will place – a place that sells the company's products
c.  Keep the memory of the first buyer to fall on the company's products. Promotional Mix
            According to m. Fuad (2000; 128), the marketing mix is an integrated marketing activities that mutually support one another. The success of the company in the field of marketing supported by success in choosing the right products, at reasonable prices, distribution channels, and promotion of effective.
The following is a basic component of the promotional mix, namely:
1.    Advertising (Advertising)
Advertising is a form of communication or presentation product or company controlled by manufacturers to communicate with customers.

2.    Sales promotion
Promotion sales promotion is a tool which is a stimulus for consumers to immediately make a purchase, generally are short term
3.    Personal selling
Salespeople (personal selling) is a promotional tool that many companies involve direct communication (personal) between companies with consumers either individually or groups.
4.    Publicity
Communication tools that other companies are public relations activities or public relations to build the publicity of the company and its products.
2.1.5.   Sales
Sales is an activity undertaken by a company that invites others to purchase the goods and services offered that can generate revenue for the company. According To Mulyadi(2001:2) sales activities consisting of a sale of goods or services, either credit or cash. Types of Sales
1.  Cash sales
According to Mulyadi (2001; 455), cash sale executed by the company in a way obliges the purchaser to make payment in advance the price of goods before the goods are submitted by the company to the buyer. After the money is received by the company, the goods are then submitted to the buyer and sales transactions in cash later recorded by the company.
2.  Credit sales
According to Mulyadi (2001; 703), credit sales executed by the company by way of sending goods according orders received from buyers and for a certain period, the company has a Bill to the buyer.
3.  The sale of installment (instalment)
Installment Sales is the delivery of the products belonging to the seller to the buyer by receiving the downpayment and the rest in the form of mortgage payments for some period.

5.    Sale consignment
Sale consignment sales with the situation of party supplies for holder to act as agent for the owner. Factors that affect Sales
     Sales Activity heavily influenced by factors that can increase the activity of the company, therefore the sales manager needs to pay attention to factors that affect sales. Factors that affect sales, according to Mulyadi (2001; 703) as follows:
1.    The conditions and the ability of a seller
Conditions and ability consists of understanding over some important matters relating to the products sold, the amount and nature of the salespeople are:
a)    Types and the characteristics of the goods or services offered;
b)   The price of products or services;
c)    Terms of sale such as: payment, shipping.
2.    Market
Market conditions affecting activities in the sales transaction as both a group of buyers or sellers. Market conditions are influenced by several factors including: the type of market, a group of buyers, purchasing power, frequency of purchase as well as your wishes and needs.
3.    Capital
Capital or funds badly needed in order to transport the merchandise is placed or to enlarge her business. The company's capital in this explanation is the working capital of the company that used to achieve sales goals.
2.2.      Similar Research Study
2.2.1                "Promotional Costs Influence against sales results PT. Galael Supermarket"
Composed by:
Name                          : Monika Sinta Mediana
NPM                           : 10208936
Department                 : Management
Supervisor                   : Wardoyo, SE., MM.

The conclusion
The existence of a strong link between the promotion cost against sales results PT. Galael Supermarkets from 1997 up to 2001 is evidenced by the correlation analysis of 0.79 marked positive, while the coefficient of determination of 62%, mean promotional activities affects the results of sales by 62% and the rest are determined by other factors outside of promotional activities.
2.2.2    "Analysis Influence the cost of Promotional product sales Rate against PT CARREFOUR INDONESIA, Tbk. In 2007-2009 "
     Composed by:
     Name                     : Prayogi
     NPM                      : 20208957
     Department            : Accounting
     Supervisor              : Early Armein Thahar, SE., MM
     The Conclusions
PT. Carrefour Indonesia obtained data sales in 2007 amounted to Rp. 57,715 (billions of dollars), sales in 2008 amounted to Rp. 78,980 (billions of dollars) and in 2009 amounted to Rp. 67,389 (billions of rupiah). Next also obtained cost data promotion in 2007 amounted to Rp. 12,147 (billions of dollars), in 2008 amounted to Rp. 26,907 (millions of dollars), and in 2009 amounted to Rp. 10,439 (billions of dollars). From the above data can be known that greatly affects the level of promotional product sales at PT Carrefour Indonesia. When the costs of increased promotions then the same thing will happen with the level of sales, whereas when the cost of sales decreased promotional rate will come into
2.3       The Analysis
2.3.1    Test The Validity
Instrument are valid if it is able to measure what it wants and can reveal data from the variables investigated appropriately. High low the instrument shows the extent to which data collected does not deviate from the description of the variable in question. A tool to measure the validity of product moment correlation is from Pearson provided:
1.    The result r count > r = valid
Table 2. The result r = r table < count is not valid.
2.3.2    Multiple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression is predicting the value of the influence of two or more free variables against variables bound. This method is used to prove or no functional relationship and causal relationships among variables non X 1, x 2 ... Xn against variables bound y.
General linear regression equations are multiplied as follows:
Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2
Where :
Y  :                    variable (dependent)
a   :                    constants
b1, b2                : coefficient of multiple
X 1, x 2             : non variable

a.    Test t (partial)
This test is done to find out the influence of the variables the dependent variables independent of partially. This means that the value of the influence of each variable are independent of varibel dependennya. In the writing of this will look for the value of the influence of variables (X1) discount against sales (Y) and the variable cost of face-to-face (X2) for sale (Y)
b.  Test F
This test is done to find out the value of the second independent variable influences the discount and the cost of face-to-face (X 1 and X 2) together – the dependent variables against the same sales (Y). This test also proves the hypothesis that will be inferred.
c.  The coefficient Correlation
Correlation coefficient Value is the value that is used to measure the strength (keeratan) a relationship between the variables. The correlation coefficient is usually symbolized by r.
The correlation coefficient has a value between-1 and + 1. The nature of the correlation coefficient value is a plus (+) or minus (-) that indicates the direction of the correlation. The meaning of the nature of the correlation:
1.  positive Sign (+) on the correlation coefficients showed a direct relationship (positive correlation). This means that if a variable value increase the value of the other variable also increase and so does the opposite.
2.  The negative sign (-) on the correlation coefficient shows the relationship in the opposite direction (negative correlation). This means that if a variable value increase the value of the other variable also decreased and so does the opposite.
For easier knowing how to actually keeratan degrees between the variables, can be viewed on the following formula:
-1.00 ≤ r ≤-0.80 means a strong correlation
-0.79 ≤ r ≤-0.50 means the correlation being
-0.49 ≤ r ≤ 0.49 means the correlation is weak
0.50 ≤ r ≤ 0.79 means the correlation being
0.80 ≤ r ≤ 1.00 means a strong correlation
d.  Determination of Coefficient
     Coefficient determination symbolized by r2 aims to find out how large the ability to affect the dependent variable independent variable. The value is said to be good if it is above 0.5 (50%) due to a value ranging between 0 and 1. In General a linear multiple regression model can be said to deserve to be used for research, since most of the dependent variable is affected by the independent variable used in the model.

     Companies that become the object of this paper is PT . Propan Raya which is engaged in manufacturing paints and chemicals supporters at Jl . Gatot Subroto Km 9 Kadu Jaya Tangerang , West Java . The research is devoted to the retail branch Propan Service Centre Bekasi .


               Source : Sales data Propan Service Centre West BEKASI.
     Table 4.2 above are details of the results of sales and promotion costs PSC Bekasi . Promotional costs incurred consisted of a discount and the cost of face to face . Discounts in the form of special discounts which are mostly given to major customers ( project ) . Cost -face is calculated based on the expenses that occur when face to face with customers such as the provision of food and beverages at the time of consultation and the costs incurred as a result of the sales person visit to a customer site . The table above details will be a discussion of the data in this chapter .
4.2.1 Calculation Using SPSS 20 Validity Test
Case Processing Summary

a.       Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.
Source : Results of the reliability scale analysis of SPSS 20
     Table 4.2 shows that all the analyzed data variables has been processed by the reliability test using SPSS and overall the data is valid data .
 Multiple Linier Regression
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error

a. Dependent Variable: SALES
Source : The results of multiple regression analysis with SPSS 20
     Table 4.3 shows that the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable is Y = 158,924,356.45 + 2,729X1 + 1,88X2 . This means that if there is promote the sale of products is Rp .158,924,356.00 . If adding Rp 1.00 of discount and  addingRp 1.00 of cost-face ,those variables will add Rp . 2,729,00 and USD . 1,88,00 to sales Partial Test (t)
     The T Test  obtained from the previous table (TABLE 4.5) shows that each of independent variable ( discount and face to face ) has a positive effect to the dependent variable ( sales ) . T table on statistical tables is 2,262 whereas in table 4.5 that t value variable discount is 6,656 and cost-face t variables is 0.346 . Variable discount with t > t table ( 6.656> 2.262 ) indicates that this variable has a significant relationship in line with the sales variable .  Cost-face variable with t  Simultant Test (F)
                                                                   Tabel 4.4

Sum of Squares
Mean Square


a. Dependent Variable: Sales
b. Predictors: (Constant), Face To Face, Discount
Source: The results of multiple regression analysis SPSS 20

Table 4.4 shows the value of 23.411 F count> F table 4.26. This test showed that the variables - independent variables simultaneously - each has a unidirectional relationship significantly to the dependent variable. The F-test also confirms the hypothesis that had been made earlier that promotional activities have a significant relationship to the sales of products.  Correlation Regression      
Table 4.5

Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)

Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)

Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: The results of the analysis of correlation analysis SPSS 20
Table 4.5 shows the correlation between the variable discount, variable and variable face-to-face sales. Based on the number of samples studied n = 12 and used a significant level α = 0.05, r tables in the can is 0.536. The formula to determine the validity of a variable is if r count> r table. In the table above there are face to face with the value of the variable count r 0.212  Coefficient of Determination
                                                                   Table 4.6

Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Cost - Face, Discount
                        Source: The results of multiple regression analysis SPSS 20

Table 4.6 shows the results of multiple regression calculation with a value of determination coefficient of 0.839. That is as much as 83.9% of sales are influenced by promotional activities and the rest influenced by other factors.
4.3    Summary of Results
The table below is a summary of the analysis influence of sales promotion costs to paint the walls Propane in Bekasi PSC.Tabel 4.7

Summary of Results
Analysis Method
Result Analysis
Multiple Linear Regression
Y = 158.924.356,45 + 2,73X1 + 1,88X2
Variable X1 and X2 positive effect on Y
Correlation Regression
The influence of variable X to variable Y is very strong
Coefficient of Determination
The influence of variables X1 and X2 to variable Y by 83.90%
Source: The final result of the calculation of SPSS 20

4.3.1   Conclusion Based Research Economic Studies
      Propan wall paint sales in 2014 at Bekasi PSC is strongly influenced by the cost of sale. The greater the promotion costs were allocated to increase the number of product sales and vice versa. This means that with the cost of these campaigns have influenced the increase in sales and increase profitability.


     Propan in wall paint sales Propan Service Centre (PSC) Bekasi is affected by the cost of promotion. Based on the results of interviews with retail party note that the discounts given only to customers purchasing because the number of projects and sustainability. The PSC also conducts visits directly to projects that need painting samples and suggestions of engineering applications. The costs arising from such activities are classified into to face charges. For regular customers, the retail promotion activities by providing brochures, gifts and souvenirs at the time face to face.
     Based on the analysis of the results of the discussion in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that the sale of paint wall Propan on PSC Bekasi influenced by promotional activities, one of which is the grant of discounts. This can be proved by the results of the calculation of the coefficient of determinasinya which indicates that as much as 83.9% product sales are affected by the activities of promotion and sales influence relationship mathematically product is Y = 158,924,356.45 + 2, 729X1 + 1, 88X2. The results of the analysis show that variable discount also has significant effects against the sales shown by the correlation (0.916) which is very strong.

     Promotions conducted by the PSC in Jakarta should be improved and more equitable because it is based on information obtained the PSC more customer discounts to prioritize the projects just because of the volume of purchase. However, in general individual customers will also be more interested ifthere are price cuts that will make the purchase frequency will further increase and auto sales will increase too. Propan Raya preferably should also more actively introduce its products to the entire community through good advertising via radio, television or other media.